Chronic Reels


Render, Animate
& Create!


Chronic Reels is your premier destination for stunning visual content. Specializing in 3D animation & content production, we infuse life into your brand with captivating visuals that perfectly embody your brand identity. Leveraging our extensive seed to retail experience in the plant medicine industry, we possess a unique insight into the consumer journey, enabling us to craft content that truly connects with your audience. Whether you're in need of advertisements, promotional material, or animated visuals, our creative team is dedicated to converting your concepts into engaging reels.


3D Renders

We create 3D models of products, characters & environments. Our team constructs the shape of the model, rendering them to perfection by adding light, texture & color for a lifelike appearance. Everything is digitally made with high quality files & the physical product is not needed to create.


Animation breathes life into images, infusing them with captivating movement & visual appeal in three-dimensional environments. From animated characters & text to products & immersive visual effects, our expertise in 3D animation brings a new level of engagement & creativity, allowing you to stand out in your industry.

Content Creation

Our team creates the illusion of action in three-dimensional spaces to tell a story, show case product, promote services & inform. Let us create immersive video clips that engage consumers for all your media platforms.


Take a moment to explore our services showcase video, where we demonstrate our passion for the cannabis industry through the art of 3d product renders, animation, and content creation.

Our Process

Turn your ideas into visual content

1. Discovery

We understand your brand identity, target audience & marketing goals.

2. Ideation & Strategy

We brainstorm innovative ideas tailored to your cannabis brand & outline a strategy.

3. Content Creation

Our team brings your brand to life with engaging reels, renders & animations.

4. Review & Feedback

You provide feedback to ensure we meet your expectations.

5. Refinement

We fine-tune & adjust the content based on your feedback.

6. Delivery

We deliver high-quality content in any format for all your platforms.


Who we are

Creative cannabis entrepreneurs with knowledge in the industry

Our philosophy

Marketing your brand shouldn’t be complicated or overpriced

How we work

We provide marketing content without having the physical product.

We've Created Content For

Learn More

Check out our Blogs



1(323) 796-5106


PO Box 2420,
Nevada City, CA 95959